Board of Directors

Mr. Malik Manzoor Hussain Humayoon

Independent Director

Mr. Malik Manzoor Hussain Humayoon is a seasoned business executive. He has rich experience in Business Management. He is Engineering graduate from UET, Pakistan and served as Professor of Mechanical Engineer at his alma mater. He is Member of Audit and Human Resource Committees of BFSML.

Mr. Farid ud din Ahmed

Independent Director

Mr. Farid ud Din Ahmed is Law graduate from University of Punjab and a retired civil servant. He has served at various GOP’s departments particularly labor, health, and forestry. He served as Chairman CDA as well. He is the Chairman of the Audit and Human Resource Committees of BFSML.

Audit Commitee

Mr. Farid ud Din Ahmed Chairman
Mrs. Sarah Hajra Khan Member
Malik Manzoor Hussain Humayoon Member

HR & Remuneration Committee:

Mr. Farid ud Din Ahmed Chairman
Mr. Adnan Ahmed Khan Member
Malik Manzoor Hussain Humayoon Member

Nomination Committee:

Malik Manzoor Hussain Humayoon Chairman
Mr. Farid-ud-Din Ahmad Member

Risk Management Committee:

Malik Manzoor Hussain Humayoon Chairman
Mr. Farid-ud-Din Ahmad Member

Legal Advisor

M/s Ahmed & Pansota Advocate & Legal Consultant
20 Sir Gangaram Mansions. The Mall Lahore. Ph No. 042-37313549,37313520


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